Dec 18, 2008

Just a Glimpse of our Christmas Parties...

Merry Christmas from English Square and our cute students!

Here's some of what we've been doing this week at English Square for the kid's Christmas parties.  I see these and think...gosh, how can you call this much fun "work"?  

Bounce the ping-pong ball (snow) in the chimney to put out the fire before Santa comes!
Santa, Santa, Where are you? game with Takako.
Cookie making with master-chef Mashi.

Even our mature JHS girls love cookies....
and teddy bears!!  
 I like the cookies, too, as you can see. But, actually, I like the cookie dough - just like Ayumu and my cousin Jenny in Alaska!  ; ) 

We also got twisted up with Twister!

and I  just couldn't resist showing the excitement...all over Christmas Concentration.

Nice reaction!!  (It's not the same girl again, BTW...her twin.) 

Finally, from our Mommy & Me class - RUN! STOP! FIND THE CARD! Yuka on the piano makes magic.

Here she is pretending not to be paying attention as the kids yell, ...
"One more time, please!" like this:
Thanks for lots of fun this week, everyone!  Merry Christmas!

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